Ordering Repeat Prescriptions
Most prescriptions should be available after 3 working days (this does not include Weekends or Bank holidays). Orders placed after 12pm will not be processed until the next working day.
Patients on regular medication will require repeat prescriptions. If you have repeat prescriptions you can order them online or you can use the re-order slip (white, right hand side of the prescription) to request further prescriptions. Please note the following:
- Submit your medication request a week before your medication is due to run out to ensure this gets processed in timed
- Allow 3 working days for collection of your prescription from the pharmacy of your choice
- If you have more than one repeat prescription, please try and order all your items together
- Either deliver or post your repeat prescription form to the surgery. Please note that you can also collect your prescription from the surgery.
- If you are receiving any medication which is not on your request form, please add this clearly on the request slip
- Contact reception or submit an online request for any medication that is not on a repeat prescription
Online Requests
You are able to request your medication online aswell as by writing. To request repeat medication online, download either the NHS App or log in to SystmOnline. For more information on SystmOnline, click here.
Medication Reviews
Patients on repeat medication will be asked to speak to a doctor at least once a year to review these regular medications and notification should appear on your repeat slip. Please read any notifications that may appear on the re-order slip and always make a note of your review date. A review date reminder will be noted on the right hand side of your prescription.
Please ensure that you book an appropriate appointment for your review to avoid unnecessary delays to further prescriptions. If your review date has passed we may not be able to issue further prescription and only 14 days supply of medication until you have been seen.